
Hey there! Are you ready to go back to school? Well, I’ve got the perfect video for you. It’s called “Back to School Shopping Haul” and it’s all about getting your school supplies for the year. The content creator takes you along as they go shopping for everything they need, from pens and pencils to notebooks and binders. They even show off some cute accessories like a pencil case and pastel highlighters. Plus, they mention that they’re going into college, which is equivalent to junior and senior year in the UK. So, if you’re looking for some back to school inspo, this video is definitely worth a watch!

Now, let’s jump into it. In this video by u n a t h i x o, they take you on a shopping spree for all your essential school supplies. From binders to subject dividers, coloured pens, and flash cards, they show you everything they picked up for their upcoming college year. Plus, they also share some items that they’ll be reusing from last year. With some catchy music and a friendly introduction, this video is sure to get you excited for the new school year. So, grab some popcorn and get ready to be inspired for your own back to school shopping adventure!

Back to School Shopping Haul

Back to School Shopping Haul

Welcome back to school! It’s that time of the year again when you need to stock up on all the essentials for the upcoming school year. Whether you’re a student or a parent, the process of back to school shopping can be overwhelming. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need for a successful back to school shopping haul. From school supplies to personal organizers and even college preparation, we’ll cover it all. So let’s dive in!

School Supplies

No back to school shopping haul is complete without a list of school supplies. Here are some must-have items that will help you stay organized and ready for the new academic year:


Pens are an essential tool for any student. Whether you’re taking notes in class or working on assignments, having a reliable pen is a must. Make sure to stock up on a variety of colors and styles to suit your preferences.


In addition to pens, pencils are also a necessity. They’re perfect for drawing, sketching, and taking notes. Make sure to have a good supply of sharpened pencils on hand, along with an eraser for those little mistakes.


Notebooks are a staple item for any student. They provide a place to jot down important information, take notes, and keep track of assignments. Look for notebooks with spiral bindings for easy use and durability.


Binders are a great way to keep your schoolwork organized. They allow you to store loose papers, handouts, and assignments all in one place. Look for binders with dividers to separate different subjects and keep things neat and tidy.

Subject Dividers

Subject dividers are a valuable addition to your binder. They help you separate your various subjects, making it easier to find specific notes or assignments when you need them.

Coloured Pens

Sometimes, a little bit of color can go a long way in making your notes or assignments more engaging. Colored pens are a fun and creative way to add visual interest to your work. Experiment with different colours and see what works best for you.

Pastel Highlighters

Highlighters are a great tool for emphasizing important information in your study materials. Pastel highlighters offer a softer look compared to the traditional neon colours. They are perfect for adding a pop of colour without being too distracting.

Flash Cards

Flash cards are a helpful study tool that can make learning new concepts a breeze. They allow you to review and memorize information in a more interactive and engaging way. Use them for vocabulary words, math formulas, or any other subject that requires memorization.


Personal Organizers

Staying organized is essential for succeeding in school. Here are a few personal organizers that can help you keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and other important information:

Pencil Case

A pencil case is a must-have item for storing and organizing your writing utensils. It helps you keep everything in one place, making it easy to find what you need when you need it. Look for a pencil case with compartments or pockets to keep things organized.


A notebook is a versatile organizer that can be used for various purposes. You can use it to jot down important dates, make to-do lists, or keep track of your goals. Find a notebook that suits your style and preferences, whether it’s a simple lined notebook or a more elaborate planner.

College Preparation

For high school students, college preparation is an important aspect of back to school shopping. Here are a couple of things to consider:

Junior and Senior Year in the UK

If you’re a student in the UK, your junior and senior years are crucial in preparing for college. Take the time to research different universities and their admission requirements. Make a list of the courses you need to take and any exams you need to prepare for. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria.

Reusing Supplies from Previous Year

One way to save money on back to school shopping is by reusing supplies from the previous year. Take a look at your old notebooks, binders, and folders to see if they’re still in good condition. If they are, you can continue using them for the upcoming school year. This not only saves money but also reduces waste.

Video Content

If you enjoy creating video content, why not document your back to school shopping haul? Here are a few ideas for the different sections you can include:

Brief Introduction

Start your video by introducing yourself and explaining what you’ll be showcasing in your shopping haul. Let your viewers know what to expect and get them excited for the upcoming content.

Shopping Experience

Take your viewers along on your back to school shopping trip. Show them the different stores you visit, the items you’re considering, and any deals or discounts you come across. This gives your viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the shopping process.

Showcasing the Purchased Items

Once you’ve completed your shopping trip, it’s time to showcase the items you purchased. Give a brief overview of each item, explaining why you chose it and how you plan to use it. This allows your viewers to get a closer look at the items and see how they can be used in a real-life setting.


Back to school shopping can be a fun and exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-prepared for your back to school shopping haul. Whether you’re stocking up on school supplies, organizing your personal items, or preparing for college, we hope this article has provided you with the information you need. Happy shopping and best of luck for the upcoming school year!


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